Princess Diana’s grave opened after 27 years and it was found that it contains..see

  1. Forearm Bruise: A distinct dark purple bruise with some irregular borders, indicating moderate trauma.
  2. Elbow Bruise: Another dark-colored bruise on the elbow area, which may cause stiffness and pain with joint movement.
  3. Upper Arm Bruise: A smaller dark bruise on the arm, indicating a minor injury.
  4. Common symptoms with such injuries:

    • Pain: Mild to severe tenderness in the area.
    • Swelling: Possible localized swelling depending on the severity of the impact.
    • Stiffness: Restricted movement, especially near joints (e.g., elbow).
    • Discoloration: Progression from purple to green/yellow as healing occurs.

    If the pain is intense or the bruising worsens, it may be necessary to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation. Do you need help with home care suggestions or identifying when to seek medical attention?

    The image shows three different examples of bruising on various parts of the body, likely caused by trauma or injury. The bruises appear dark purple and are localized in the following areas:

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